Les Luminuits presented by Edmonton House

La Camaraderie

Préparez-vous à une surprise au bout de la traboule qui mène à la cour des Moirages…Dans un recoin, des ombres, tapies dans la nuit, se dissimulent à votre regard. À vous de révéler, grâce aux flashs de vos appareils photos, de vos smartphones ou de ceux des médiateurs, leurs différents profils et personnalités…The Luminuits

Three shadows come alive in a flash

These large shadows, normally keeping to themselves in the darkness, have left their hiding place and are waiting for you… But be forewarned, the Luminuits are shy. The only way to catch a glimpse of them is by taking a picture using flash! The flash will reveal their personalities!

La princesse aux 2 humeurs: In what mood did you catch the princess? Were you treated to a friendly smile or haughty gaze? It all depends on which side you happen to be standing… Her snobby side expresses her charm with her spicy, arrogant look. Her friendly side draws on her soft curves. That said, both sides share a coquettish allure. Come see for yourself by snapping pictures of her many jewels and necklaces!

Monsieur Paresseux: Monsieur Paresseux is too lazy to be bothered with all the hustle and bustle. Even in the presence of a veritable lightening storm of camera flashes he won’t so much as open his eyes a crack. So while Monsieur Paresseux napping, take the opportunity to meet his friends—who are partying right on top of him!

Poltron: He may be massive, but Poltron is a scaredy-cat. He’s imposing and he’s portly, but it’s you who might frighten him! To know for sure, you’ll have to take his picture—because whatever he’s afraid of is most certainly behind him!

Artist Bio

La Camaraderie est un studio de design multi-disciplinaire mêlant communication graphique, design d’espace, interactivité et participation du public.

Click here read more about Nuit Blanche 2018

Edmonton House & Veterans' Park, 102 Street South & MacDonald Drive
click here to see an event map

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