Hubert Hohn: Edmonton Entrances and Suburban Landscapes

Hubert Hohn

This exhibition features works from two photographic series created by Edmonton-based photographer Hubert Hohn in the 1970s.

Artist Bio

Hubert Hohn was born in Arizona in 1944, and studied photography with American master photographers Ansel Adams and Minor White. In the late 1960s, he emigrated to Alberta where he began teaching photography. Through his work at the University of Alberta, the Emma Lake Artists’ Workshop and The Banff Centre, and as a curator of photography at The Edmonton Art Gallery, Hohn became an important catalyst for contemporary photographic practice in western Canada. With their attention to the study of types and the impact of urbanism, Hohn’s works can be likened to the work of the “New Topographics,” a group of photographers first named in 1975 following an exhibition at the International Museum of Photography in Rochester, N.Y.

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